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Simply You

Simply You


Introducing our Simply You Everlasting Bouquets - the perfect solution for those looking for a long-lasting and beautiful floral arrangement. Our everlasting bouquets are made with high-quality silk satin roses that look just like the real thing, but will never wilt or fade. These timeless bouquets are perfect for special occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, or simply as a beautiful home decor piece. With a variety of colors and styles to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect everlasting bouquet to suit your style. Bring the beauty of fresh flowers into your home without the worry of them wilting with our Simply You Everlasting Bouquets.


- 3, 6, 9, 12 or 18 handmade roses - each size in 6cm to 8cm 

   ** handmade might have slight variance in measurement

- Mix with preserved Million star flowers 

- Mix wtih preserved Rice flowers 

- Wrapping up in Bouquet

- A white gift card


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